Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    1. What equipment do you need for your studio?

    2. How to set up your studio

    3. Super speedy set up!!

    4. Camera angles

    5. How close can you get to your product to take a photo and wide angle lenses

    1. Composition: Off Centre and Central Impact

    2. Examples of off centre composition

    3. Smartphone lenses

    4. Composition: Framing

    5. More framing examples

    1. How to maximise your light source through 'BOUNCING' light

    2. Photo Tip: How to make your image brighter using your smartphone camera

    3. Easy, simple flat lay lighting solution

    4. Lighting Masterclass

    5. New Lesson

    1. Styling: Backgrounds

    2. Styling: Fluidity

    3. Styling: Infinity Curves

    4. Background styling tips and ideas

    5. Styling ideas and examples

    1. Editing: Introduction to snapseed.

    2. Editing: How to use the Tune Image function in Snapseed

    3. Editing, How to use crop, straighten (rotate) and expand tools in Snapseed - as well as lens blur, healing and prespective

About this course

  • £29.97
  • 26 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today